Exclusive Sponsorship Program

For everyone who has purchased $99 worth of parts from Whirring 4x4, you now have the opportunity to join our exclusive sponsorship program.

Here's how to join:

Reach out to us at info@whirring4x4.com and send us a selfie of you and your overlanding vehicle on one of your past journeys, along with a few sentences describing your overlanding story. We will select a few that are inspirational.

Once you are approved, we will reach out to you and get you set up. You'll receive $1000 worth of parts immediately.

We will continue to sponsor you to help you build your dream overlanding vehicle within two years, with a budget limited to $25,000.

Looking forward to hearing your overlanding story!



Responsibilities & Disclaimers:

1: Wearing Whirring 4x4 T-Shirt and recording installation & review videos for each part we sponsor you.

2: Wearing Whirring 4x4 T-Shirt, and host an overlanding trip among your friends and family, and record 1-2 hour raw videos every 3 month (Editing not required)

3: Display a Whirring 4x4 Bumper Sticker and participate in auto events at least once every 6 months. 

4: Failure to fulfill any of the above requirements will result in the termination of the sponsorship contract at any time.

Need more help?

Our specialists are here and ready to supercharge your overlanding experience!